Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Choose the Right Way.

Making right decisions in  life is a great challenge.Sometime we get cornered by a situation that make our minds strained 'What to decide?'

Our God says: Listen to my voice, the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Life shows us two ways. One way is so crowded,people move in and out through it fast. The other way is calm and quiet, the travelers choosing this way is not seen to return back . We are in its junction, which way will we choose?

Our human mind may say to choose the first one as it is used by everyone and hence not risky. But the Holy Spirit  prompts us to choose the second one. Let us think a little now 'why does the spirit prompts us so?'

The Holy spirit gives us the explanation: The first way had a blunt end, the people who chose this way was returning back in the same speed as they went, hence the path appeared crowded. The new passengers, by their human instincts misunderstood this and chose the first way as  everyone  did thus getting misguided.

The people who chose the second way reached their destination as decided by our Lord and never returned back leaving the path quiet and calm.

Hence, as Gods children, think a while before making a choice, give ear to our inner spirit. The position in which God place us may not be like our preferences or mat not be a way that everyone chooses. But always remember, this will be the right way for our destination that is happy and everlasting.

8"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD. 9"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways And My thoughts than your thoughts.…Isaiah 55:8-9

Monday, November 11, 2013

'Sin ' is not a milestone of the unrighteous .

We are all sinners. The Lord says to Sr.Faustina 'the greatest sinner of the world has the greatest eligibility for my mercy'. Jesus came to save the sinners and it is for us He sacrificed His life defeating the worlds laws. Now we are not under the law of this world that traps us in sins leading us to death.

One man’s death brought forgiveness of sins for many. The death of Christ was for many souls to wash away the sins . The sin died,the law is no longer valid.With the resurrection of Christ , the death lost conquered by eternal life.

Hence with strong belief in Resurrected Christ Jesus, filled in Gods love through the Holy Spirit, and with complete submission of  self,we are no longer under the law,but under Gods Great Grace.
(Ref : Romans 5)

'The unselfish submission of our 'self' without self pride but with full repentance and belief' should be the essential virtue of our life. This is where we fail. 

The problem is not that we are sinners, but we are not willing to release us completely to God for transforming ourselves. Keeping aside the selfish comforts, we pray to God. This is the main block of our life that God cannot enter to our heart.

Let us realise ourself, repent on our weakness, and release us to God with faith. Let Him mold us-He is our creator- He will tranform us to the best piece of mercy. Look not on our sins but to the faith of our Church- the body of Christ.

'My Peace I give you'

I leave you peaceIimy own peace I give yougive you peace in a different way than the world does. So don’t be troubled. Don’t be afraid.John 14:27

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Complete Submission to God

To experience God, we have to denounce the world completely. This statement made me feel strange . I used to think' how can we denounce the world completely for God? Is it possible?'.

The Spirit of God gave an answer through a dream. It goes like this;

A family with two children was seen busily purchasing in a super market. The children  was curious about the things in the market and cried for buying all they liked. When the parents saw the eagerness of their kids, they asked each one of them to grab a basket and collect all the things they liked in the market.The children rushed with happiness and picked up all favorite things that the basket was overloaded and was hard to be carried. with great effort they brought the baskets to their parents who asked them to carry it to the lady in the billing counter and return all of the goods that they loaded. the parents asked them to do this with a smiling face and to tell the lady that 'we are happy with the things we collected,but we don't want this as it is too heavy to be carried'. When the children returned back from the cash counter they were found to be relieved and happier than they were before. they held the hands of their parents and went back happily.

Lord said, this is how we can denounce everything of the world. While living in this world we are like those children in the dream, we find everything beautiful and attractive, but once we get it, the fancy is finished and our mind still hopes for another. The worldly things always creates an unsatisfied mind and falls on us as a burden.

Collect all our worldly fancies in the basket of our mind and return them to God...'we are happy with the things we collected,but we don't want this as they are too heavy to be carried'.... Let us make our mind empty for God to reside in us. He will give us what we deserve.