Friday, March 28, 2014

20. March 22, 2014 -20th Day of Lent

Reflect Our Past with God

The realization of Gods love while reflecting on our past life is the perfect way to get strong faith in our dear Lord. But this has to be done walking with God. Whenever we try to think of our past life, we may sometimes feel bad, we may be purposely forgetting our past due to a bitter experience that we had, or the past experiences may brood in us making us guilty and doomed to life. The past can bring frustrations or a sense of loss. If these are the feelings that we get while reflecting our past, then beware, realize the truth that we are not guided by Gods love.

This is can be said for a fact that, Our dear God never ever wants His children to be fed up of life. He never points us to loose life at any cost. He never brings guilt to His child’s mind.

‘The Lord God says: By my life, I swear that I don’t enjoy seeing people die—not even evil people! I don’t want them to die. I want them to come back to me. I want them to change their lives so that they can really live. So come back to me! Stop doing bad things! -Ezekiel 33:11

Hence if our past brings anger or sadness or guilt or depression to us, always realize that we are then guided by satan, who always wishes our destruction. He gives a feeling of pretend repentance but it will pierce our heart and make us feel, we are not good at all, we are not righteous at all, this may inturn give a hatred to life. Never let this happen. This is how satan mocked Judas, who betrayed Jesus.

Judas betrayed Jesus and returned with the reward. Suddenly the feeling of guilt came to his mind for cheating his own dear master. His reflection of the past wrong deed was taken over by Satan who made him hate himself and commit suicide. But St Peter who did the same wrong by rejecting Jesus three times, repented on his past reflection by walking along with Lord. He prayed and repented in front of Lord, who then raised him with the eternal love and made him the strong rock.

Hence there are two consequences of reflecting our past for Gods love. If this reflection takes us away from God then it is not right. Come back under the wings of Lord. Always go to our past along with Lord. Let not our selfish pride guide us, let not our guilt envelop our past all these will take us away from Lord. Reflect our past thinking,'how God guided us and shielded us from all our trials and temptations through His Love'

Sometimes our past may bring pride to us for gaining many things. In this case, it is not Gods love but it is our selfish love towards ourself, that is guiding us. This will perish and bring us to a stand still in progressing in life. Let our selfish love be melted in Gods mercy.

God is love. Everyone who lives in love lives in God, and God lives in them. If God’s love is made perfect in us, we can be without fear on the day when God judges the world. We will be without fear, because in this world we are like Jesus. Where God’s love is, there is no fear, because God’s perfect love takes away fear. It is his punishment that makes a person fear. So his love is not made perfect in the one who has fear. We love because God first loved us.- I John 4:16-19

God never lets us down, God never lets us to boast in pride. He wants us to be humble as He is. He wants us to love Him unconditionally and strives His maximum to keep us under His everlasting love and mercy forever.

Lord Oh my Father, hold our hands while walking through our life, let us be able to realize the depth of Your unshakable love and mercy, let not our thoughts be directed to guilt of destruction or pride which can destroy us, let it be enveloped in Your Love so we get the strong Faith to be with You forever. Amen.

John 14

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