Monday, March 13, 2017

Lets not Judge

Do we see someone being criticized? Someone being mocked or isolated? Do we judge someone? Do we see someone suffering?

Let us remember this verses
And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”(john 12:32) They will look on the one whom they have pierced.”(john 19:37)

Yes these people attracts the attention of many..may be of an area or of a nation. It will lead many to prayers ..many to remember their own character. They are too lifted up..and we see son of god in them. Hence let us remember when we judge someone,we are like Judas who betrays lord ,exposing him to be attacked..when we praise ourselves and become proud of ourselves we are becoming like Peter who rejected Jesus for his own safety. Be aware when we judge others,we are judging Jesus and we are exposing ourselves to be jugdged.

Let us seek mercy from lord to repent for the times we have judged others and pray for His grace to control our thoughts and tongue especially during this lent to stop judging others and thus stop paining our lord. Lord have mercy on us and give us your love through holy spirit that when thoughts of judging comes into our mind give that person, that we are tempted to judge, double the blessings. Let Jesus be reflected in others when we see them. In Jesus powerful name we pray Amen.

Action Point
Pray Psalm 141:3-4

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