Wednesday, September 23, 2020

When can you look directly to the sun?

 Today as I was walking back home dropping my son to his school, I just looked up the sky. I saw the Sun, perfect round and glowing. I was able to directly look the Sun. A voice from the lord suddenly knocked my heart. 'do you know why you are able to look at the sun directly?' 

I asked: Why Lord?

Lord: Because there a clouds in the sky. when there are clouds in the sky, you are able to look at the sun directly with your naked eyes.

Our Lord continued,  when there are clouds of trials and sufferings in your life, this is the time you are able to look on to our Lord directly. you can approach our  Lord directly. The more clearer it becomes, the more harder is to see Him in the shine of holiness. you find yourselves uncapable of looking directly because of  the holiness of lord.

so what do you think?

The lord is close to brokenhearted and sinners- they can approach him directly

The righteous one dare not to look directly because of the power of holiness of our lord.

Then once our souls is purified as gold, we get dissolved in the divine light of  love of our lord

This was a great revelation. 


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