Monday, February 8, 2021

Give me your heart.

 Lord told me,

Give your heart, I will give my heart to you.

I asked, ' my lord, How can I give my heart to you?'

Lord told me, 'Each time a thought come to your mind, give it to me, then I will exchange it with my thoughts and just now take it in my view.. thus you give your heart to me.'

He told me an incident,

Apostles told Jesus,"everybody is looking for you" but Jesus gave his thought, 'let us go to next villages to preach, because that is why I came.'

During transfiguration, when Jesus was appearing in glory with Moses and Elijah, peter told that to build a three tents but a voice came from heaven ,the thought of God 'this is my beloved son, listen to him' . So let us offer our thoughts and thinking's and intellect to Lord and listen to Him, do whatever he tells us. Not my ways lord..but let your ways bee done in me.

O Jesus meek and humble of heart make my heart like unto thine. Amen

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