Sunday, April 18, 2021

Heart to heart, filling in love of God.

 Lord was speaking to me that:

As I descended to you ,In the same way you descend into me.

I asked : how can I descend to you lord?

He said: Abide in me. Everything you do ,do it in me.

Let me know you every time. This you can achieve by doing everything in my knowledge,by consulting to me before you do anything, even the littlest one.

Let me know you.

Lord gave Jeremiah 17:9

Be true in heart. Be in a true communion with me.

I crucified flesh and emptied myself in father's will filled with his love , to give life to you. crucify yourself to give life to all that I give you, so that where I am,you are and where you are, they are there too. Empty your self and fill in with 'me'- god's perfect love. John 14:5-6

Lord told me 5 things:

1. Give what you receive from God. Give freely as you received freely.

2. whatever that takes you away from God is from evil. So check everything.

3. Seek what wounds you have made on Jesus due to lack of love by unfaithfulness, and lack of love in dealing with the ones he give us..Heal the wounds of Jesus by giving his love for others and doing his will

4. Offer yourselves to be repaired by the repairer our lord Jesus. Allow him to repair you,wash you.

5.Obey his words. His words are your mirror. When it reflects what is in you offer yourselves to be missed by the word by power of holy spirit saying yes to word.

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