Thursday, May 20, 2021

The luminous

 The luminous:

Jesus immersed himself to fill the water of baptism with his righteousness so that those who baptise by immersing themselves in water of repentance will be clothed in Christ and his righteousness leading way to the descend of holy spirit upon through whom Jesus baptizes/purifies us with fire,getting one with Christ each moment .

He fills all our weaknesses and strengths as we present it to him thru mother's in faith, with his grace  and moulds us and prunes us to produce and give new wine to all who approach, at all times.

As Jesus was filled in holy spirit, the holy spirit led him to a desert experience,thus presented him with dryness, hunger physical weaknesses loneliness and temptations..through all these the lord was training him in word and sharpening the holy spirit to make him strong to conquer world ..he returned strengthened in holy spirit. We who are clothed with Jesus will also undergo the same desert experience and temptations from evil...use these by surrendering our self to word of God to sharpen and strengthen the holy spirit.. conquering the world and flesh by Jesus through holy spirit. For accomplishing lord's missions through us

As the spirit increases Jesus , transfigured to spirit being ....we will also get transformed into a life in Jesus showed us in transfiguration. Let flesh decrease and spirit increase...the spiritual being

Jesus went through all these and accomplished everything for us. Then what did he do, since we are not able to do it our self, Jesus came into us through Holy Eucharist to make us accomplish it through Him.

Jesus is in us living-those in Christ have crucified themselves with Christ,now Christ lives through us

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